
Ash blue hair colour

April 04, 2013

typicalben shunji matsuo

Yay time to do my hair again! Over at Shunji Matsuo 313 for my hair cut and colour! :D

typicalben at shunji matsuo

Last picture of me in dark maroon brown hair!

typicalben cutting hair at shunji matsuo

My stylist Jerry wasn't in Singapore, so Caely (the director of the salon) do my hair this time!

And she actually suggested me to do deep blue cause I didn't have any idea in mind what I wanted to do at that point of time! And I'm really happy with the end results cause it's so pretty hahahaha!

But for this colour, I'll have to bleach my hair and told me that she will use mild bleach and slowly bleach away the colour so it's not so harsh to my hair! And also she won't be touching my scalp as well (which is awesome cause I'm worried that my scalp will get too dry or hurt), so she will be leaving 1cm of hair roots!!

typicalben bleaching hair

Bleaching hair in progress!!!

typicalben bleached hair

After haircut and bleach!

typicalben doing hair at shunji matsuo

Bleaching for another time and after that putting toner!!

typicalben grey hair

This ash colour is before they apply the blue dye!

And after a month ++, my hair now fades to this colour already with a tint if blue still!! And it's very nice now, totally love the colour! Will be going back again this month for haircut and treatment before I go for Karbi/Phuket trip with Ran! Not sure if my hair colour will look good on video but I don't feel like dyeing it so soon, cause I promise myself and you guys that I wanna let my hair take a break from all the dye job! :)

typicalben ash blue hair colour

End results!! I think it looks more ashy here due to the lighting but it was actually quite blue!!

typicalben with ash blue hair

Another selca shot! :D

ash blue hair colour

I love love love the haircut too, it's just what I wanted!

typicalben ash blue hair mirror shot

Last picture before leaving the salon!

typicalben blue hair colour

Ending off with a picture that I took at home with my ring light!

Shunji Matsuo Hair Salon @ 313
313 Orchard Road, #03-26,
Tel: +65 6238 0226



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  1. Naomi7:41 pm

    You know, it is harder to bleach your hair since you applied henna dye before. Correct me if I am wrong.

  2. nice hair style *O*
    cool camera :o

  3. Anonymous12:02 pm

    Hi Benjamin, may I ask, if I want to do the whole hair treatment like you, how much would it cost, do you know? Roughly how much? Price inclusive of hair treatment, bleach, dye, haircut etc..
    I know you're sponsored, but I would be keen to know the pricing. Thanks :)

    1. You can actually give the salon a call at 62380226, as they will advise you based on the understanding of the hairstyle that you want to achieve! :)

  4. Ahhh so cute :'D Love the haircut too!

